
29 May 2010 is it enuf if i just do jk shah's sums for fm for nov 2010??? do i need to do shridhar or bala for all chps??? does any1 knw whch selective chps to do frm des reference books???

30 May 2010 In CA final, there is no concept of enough, CA being a professional exam, we dont know what kind of question they r going to ask. some time they may be easy like in nov-09 or some time may be difficult as like in may-10(old course).The question here is whether we understand the concept and concept is understood by combination of theory and practical. If u feel that u r private notes are sufficient enough to cover all above given element, than yes it is sufficient. furthur u should refer the module and other books to ensure that u r preparation is at peak.This will help keep u motivated, boosted and help u to solve even difficult kind of question very easily.Furthur MAfa is dyanamic and scoring subject.Dynamic because there r number of way to ask the question, even simple question can be modified in such a way that look like difficult and scoring because it contain maximum pratical question. remember that sufficient and insufficient is also depend upn time availibility. U should balance u r study in such a way that all 8 subject are properly appreciated.

01 June 2010 completely agree with the expert.

its about undestanding the concepts and being able to crack the questions on ones own within the given time.

01 June 2010 yaar i want sum shortcut! v hv so much theory in dt idt law misc n audit hw n whn wil i sit n read a fat book lyk shridhar or bala?????????

01 June 2010 wht kind of experts v hv here no1 has any easy way u all just showing me my problem again where is the damn solution to it???????

03 August 2010 The solution is in starting to love the subjects and have a passion for it.Then you wont complain of having to read so much theory or fat books.

For shotcuts ,go to scanner and compilations.Solve all questions in it.Give importance to 5 star chapters.But there is always a risk inherent in such selective study.

03 August 2010 hello dear, according to me 'Sometimes short cuts are not worth taking'. you should prepare your own mafa theory notes, its helps you very much in exms.


05 August 2010 anyways exam mein sab toh pass nahi hone wala toh wht difference it makes whether i do shortcut or long cut pass hona hoga toh fluke mein ho he jane wale hoon!

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