In CA CPT Economics 1st complete Macro economics then go for Micro Economics. Macro Economics is also very scoring.
If you are thorough with 12th standard won’t have any problem in Micro’s easy but conceptual understanding would be required. Don’t try to learn it. Just keep the concept clear and the answer will automatically come to your mind by just applying some common sense.
Macro part is complete theory and you will have to learn it somehow...(ratta mar lo aur koi chara nahi hai..). It’s boring but 25 marks come from there so just learn it somehow....nothing can be done about it.....learn the dates even coz u get questions from there too...scanner will be very helpful for the preparation.
Let us discuss strategy Micro economics and Macro economics separately:
Micro economics
This is not a new subject for you. School level and plus 2 level you may be have a basic idea about this. Here you are just required to brash up the concepts first. if you good with concepts, answer will flow automatically to you. Nothing to worry about this segment in short.
Macro economics
These are not new and have to put some pain and effort to get through it. I hope around 25 mark questions alone from this segment only. So like business law you have to give additional care and cautions to this segment. Here common sense some time play much role . You may be ready to write the questions out of your book at time.
I hope the above post would be useful for students preparing for CPT.