Long term capital gain

This query is : Resolved 

15 March 2013 I have sold my vehicle and generator in 2013 which was purchased in the year 2007 , whether LTG will be applicable to this , and how should i calculate the same

15 March 2013 Is on such assets charging depreciation.


15 March 2013 If vehicle was for personal use, it will not attract capital gains. If generator was for personal use, sale proceeds less indexed cost will be LTCG.

If both are used in business, sale proceeds less opening WDV will be short term capital gains;

16 March 2013 Sir,

Vehicle & Generator is purchased in 2007 and sold in 2013 means used more than 3 yrs , and it was given on rent for business purposes .

So how the capital gain will be short term gain


17 March 2013 If the assets are held for business purpose and that assets are depreciable assets then according to the income tax act capital gain question will arises only at the time of time of such block of assets WDV will bero zero on either negative and capital gain on such depreciated assets always short term capital gain/loss only.

So to decide in your case is short term capital gain will arise or not please provide the details as follows

Date of sale of assets,

Value of sale of assets,

WDV of such depreciating block as on 31-3-12

and is any additions to such block from 1-4-2012 to the date of sale.

Please provide such details i will provide you is available short term capital gain arises or not


18 March 2013 Lookin Towards Facts, Its Asumed That You were Providing depreciation on Those Assets.
Its STCG, Because Long Term Capital Gain/Loss Not Applicable on Depreciable Assets.
and Hence 30% Tax rate is Applicable on Such Short Term Capital Gain.

18 March 2013 Tax rate depends on the income tax slab for STCG

18 March 2013 yes, if status is ind/huf then as per slab rate...else 30% tax bracket.

19 March 2013 Date of sale of asset
Generator ---31/07/2012

date of purchase :-18/05/2007

Sale proceeds Rs. 1,15000/-

cost of aqusition Rs. 2,72,563/-

W.D.V AS ON 31.03.2012 Rs. 1,23,686/-

NO Addition any

Please advise STG or not

19 March 2013 There is a Short Term Loss 8,686

19 March 2013 and should we not calculate the depreciation for 1/4/2012 to 31/7/2012 as it is sold on 31/07/2012

19 March 2013 No.

For tax purposes, depreciation would not be calculated as the block at the end of the year would be zero.

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