Ll.b. + ca articleship

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
02 August 2013 respected sir/madam,
i am in a great need of your guidance. This year(2013) i completed my B.com and intended to join LL.B. (3 year); which i did. Now as my articleship is going on and as per the rules of ICAI i have to declare/sort permission to another course along with CA-articleship in prescribed format of Form-112.

Now when i approached to my college principal he refused to sign any such form as its not their policy. Also there no problem of rules from Bar-Council of India as they prohibit any "regular course" during college hours.

although when i asked to provide me a proof of timing they simply gave me Bona-Fide Certificate without mentioning college hours on it.

College hours are from 8:00 to 10:00 and my article ship starts at 11:00( 50 min travel)

so kindly please guide me through.And what can be done as soon as possible.Thankyou

02 August 2013 Any regular course requires the proof that it is not going to interrupt your articleship.Talk to students welfare section of your college

02 August 2013 permission from icai is mandatory for puruing additional course

request icai regarding this..

you may get permission from icai if icai believe that your articleship will not get interrupted..

better you say you can reach office by 10.30..

icai will accept your request


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
02 August 2013 but some timing proof is needed....and also no colleg stamp on form 112. i tried e-sahayata ;but its not working. More over i have sent an e-mail stating the same.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
02 August 2013 but some timing proof is needed....and also no colleg stamp on form 112. i tried e-sahayata ;but its not working. More over i have sent an e-mail stating the same.

02 August 2013 if you are attending for any college get a stamp and ceal and their certification where ever necessary in form 112

if it is private coaching centre just get a declaration from them in their letter,..ot just leave it...and mention it is distance mode education if it is distance


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
02 August 2013 LL.B. three year is a regular course or say just another bachelore degree as B.com. i am attending college but it do not effect my article ship at all. The only problem is proof which the college is not willing to understand what CA-articleship is and provide the for the same.

02 August 2013 this is an extract of Form112(required to be submitted for additional course)
"In case the student is not able to obtain certificate from the college then submit a copy of prospectus containing college hours details"
go for this option

02 August 2013 Just explain them about our course prospectus and get their certification on form 112

Please note for form 112 this is mandatory to get certification for timings from college


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
02 August 2013 I really thankful to both of you for your help till now.
I am trying to go for that prospectus option but non of these prospectus have that.
Still i am trying to get a separate letter stating college timing.
Also the principal is not even trying to under stand; rather i am scared if i forced too much he might cancel my admission.

PS: Just in case non of this works what can be done ????

02 August 2013 See legally you have only these 2 options either produce prospectus or their admission.Just try to speak to any teacher,if they can help you out in convincing your principal.
If nothing works then ultimately you have to choose between the one.ICAI won't help you in this.

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