ledger scrutiny

This query is : Resolved 

23 August 2008 Hello everybody,
i m shantanu doing articleship, i have just four months experience, uptil now as i feel there r 4 steps from which audit of any organisation goes through

Step 1: ledger scrutiny I
Step 2: vouching
Step 3: ledger scrutiny II &
Step 4: balance sheet

i dont know how to perform ledger scrutiny, what it actually is, and how to master it.

If any one have some material on it plz do mail me.


24 August 2008 Shantanu you have just 4 months and your articleship is 3 yeard wait you learn every thing here if i will reply you will not understand any thing ...do your work and ask your pricipal he will explain you properly because its depend upon the situation

24 August 2008 Shantanu,Ledger Scritiny means to scritinize the Legder thoroughly in terms of knowing the accounting, auditing, legal, financial , logical and standarised compliances and verifying the accuracy, Authenticity and effacacy of the Financial Statements under Audit. Each of the Ledger Account or the Ledger Accounts on Test Check Basis if otherwise not possible to check the entire Ledger is Scrutinised , verified and commented upon.

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