Leave calculation

This query is : Resolved 


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 November 2013 plz tell me suppose my 130 leaves are pending. is sunday & public holiday will count in it or it will be count additionaly

01 November 2013 Sundays and public holidays are not the part of the leaves you take.

02 November 2013 Suppose if you are in leave ..then in between sundays and holidays is treated as holidays
in the same way when you are working in between sundays and holidays is treated as period actually worked under articleship

02 November 2013 in a continuous leave, sunday, saturday and for that matter, any public or gazetted holiday is to be included in leave. That is the basic rule.

However, their are a few CAs who don't consider such days in leave for their articles.

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