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11 June 2011 1.Can a Minor become director in company???

In module institute has said that minor cant as unable to contract under contract act,1872…but in privcacte if article permits , it is possible.

In Munish bhandari book …he said as director has to take DIN compulsory, and for DIN 18 year is a must so not possible……

What we should write in xam

2. can person inspect books of account on behalf of member??

Our icaimodule says..yes ifAOA permits… practice manual they have said yes ,if members resolution is passed…

what should we follow.....i have noticed so many cases when M. bhandari provision and ICAI provision conflicts.....even there is a conflit between MODULE vs Practise manualss....

14 June 2011
Your confusion is absolutely right I will give u advice
You must follow only institute provided materials
No person take a directorship who’s not complete minor age
for more information you must go through company(DIN) Rules -2002

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