Late filing of service tax return

This query is : Resolved 

14 April 2016 Dear Sir,

I am filing my Service Tax return after due date and I have paid the late filing charges.

Only difficulty I am facing in which period I must put the late filing amount in Form ST-3.

eg: Apr-Jun or Jul-Sep

14 April 2016 Respective of that Period.

14 April 2016 All payments are done on due date correctly only Form will be filed today. So which period to select

15 April 2016 The Late Fee should be paid in the last period of the return i.e. September month or quarter. Similarly for the Return due in April, the entry should in March.

15 April 2016 I did the same yesterday

15 April 2016 That is the correct treatment.

15 April 2016 Only the challan is not yet updated on site as I did payment for late filing yesterday itself so gave an error message while filing return that challan not matching

15 April 2016 It usually takes three to four working days for the Challan to be reflected in the system. Nothing to worry, since when your Range Superintendent checks up your return, the payment would be reflected in the system.

20 April 2016 Late filing penalty becomes after 2nd quarter for ST 3 filing of Individual, for Others last month of that period. Need to enter amount in that column.

Wait for 5 days to get ACES data base updated with that challan then file if due date is not over. Otherwise file the same & ignore that error while filing

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