Job in a big four

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22 December 2016 Hello I have appeared in CA final November 2016 exam. it was my 5th attempt, I am confident of clearing this time. I want to work in a big four company after qualifying, considering the number of attempts I took, will I get job in a big four? what additional qualification will be helpful for me in getting job?What preparation shall I do in this 1 month before result? please guide me.

22 December 2016 Best of luck for your results and hope your optimism turns into reality. Based on number of attempts if you think that it may act as a spoiler to join a Big 4, a good reference from someone who is working in Big four can be one of the avenues for you to get selected.

Whether Big Four or otherwise, brush up your knowledge on latest developments that are taking place around you in terms of GST, Direct Tax, Ind-AS, Re-monetisation etc, so that you are better equipped to handle interview questions with great ease. Good luck.

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