' The return of income filed by you as per the above details is considered as defective with-in the meaning of section 139(9) of the IT Act for the following reason: You have filed your income-tax return in form ITR-1. As per TDS details in your Form 26AS, taxes have been deducted under sections 194IA/194IC/194M/194S/194C/194B/194BB/194BA, etc. of the Income-tax Act, 1961. These sections are reflected as (4IA/4IC/94M/94S/94C/94B/4BB/4BA) in Form 26AS. These sections imply heads of income for which form no. ITR-1 is not the appropriate form. Thus, the required schedules for reporting incomes pertaining to said TDS sections are not present in your return of income filed in form no. ITR-1. '