Is it possible to clear 2nd group?

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 March 2012 I have cleared 1st group of ca final in may 2007. Afterwards i wrote 2nd group three times. I wrote my last exam in nov. 2010 failed in costing got only 182 marks in aggregate. I have a kid of 4 years and staying abroad with my family. I am not able to sit and study properly with concentration. I am not yet started my preparations intensively. I just started isca. Main problem i could not recollect the portions which i studied yesterday the next day.Also I have soft copy of study materials and practice manuals. No other books with me. i want to write my exams in may 2012. What strategy should i follow to clear this time? How should i plan my studies? Is it possible to study within 70 days? costing is easy paper for me to study but failed in that every time.What should i do to score good marks in that? How to study ISCA very tough subject for me?

01 March 2012 Please go through all past papers before start any subject and prepare with short note will help you day before exam.

For costing Practice manual as well as theory will help you to get minimum 40-45 marks and others are on your conceptual clarity of subject.

For ISCA, I remarked that ICAI asked every year average of 30 marks from Practice manual so go through it and for other questions remember heading of answers. and before starting with new chapter you should atleast know the head of learned chapter. same problem was also faced by me in past. so, by making notes of heading all questions will help you a lot.

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