Is form 23B compulsory????

This query is : Resolved 

09 December 2010 whether form 23B is compulsory for companies to field with ROC. if not do this, any penalty????

09 December 2010 It is necessary to file 23B with ROC. However there is no penalty for non-submission. That's why this form is not taken very seriously and filed.

09 December 2010 Hi

Form 23B is filed by auditor on acceptance of appointment as auditor within 7 days of acceptance.

It is not responsibility of the company to file Form 23B with ROC.

09 December 2010 Hi...

In case of appointment of an Auditor at the AGM of the Company, the Company has to give an intimation of the appointment to the concerned Chartered Accountant or firm of Practicing Chartered Accountants, as the case may be and the Auditor has to file Form 23B within 30 days of the receipt of intimation from the Company. In my opinion as rightly said by expert Jayashree that the Form 23b is not taken very seriously but we should respect the intention behind the introduction of Form 23B and insist to the Statutory Auditor to file the said Form and furnish the SRN to the Company.

Agreed with expert Ajay Sir that the responsibility is on the Statutory Auditor and not on the Company.

God Bless

Udit Sharma

09 December 2010 Till now it is not compulsory to file form 23B.

10 December 2010 It's true. But the practical situation is different.
The statutory auditors do not comply with this requirement as there is no penalty for non-compliance. It's only at the time of annual filing when the PCS insists for SRN no. the form is filed either by the auditor or through PCS.

10 December 2010 Yes, it's true.You can file annual return without filing of form 23B.

10 December 2010 thanks to all of u...

11 October 2011 can any1 give the copy of intimation letter by CA Appointed as auditor in EGM????

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