12 October 2014
Honestly there is no fixed date. Actually the process of verification is precisely drawn up exercise and takes time of around 6 to 8 weeks. It is important to note that student can check the outcome of the verification result online. Please find below the link where students can check the Results of Verification/Revaluation of Marks:
Please take note that when you enter your Admit Card number / Roll Number, if you are getting the answer as 'Record Not found', then there is nothing to worry as it simply means that your application is still in the process and will take some more time. Generally it takes around one to two months for the re-verification / revaluation results to be updated on the ICAI portal. So you are advised to regularly check the notification section on ICAI website.
Further, in case of revision of marks, a revised mark sheet will be sent to the student at the address mentioned by him/her in revaluation application. All such students who do not receive the revaluation response latest upto 1 month before the commencement of the next examination, are hereby advised to send an email to the exam department at exam@icai.org stating relevant details with respect to revaluation application submitted with ICAI.
Outcome of Revaluation process: The Revaluation process may result in Increase or decrease of Marks, which may impact your Result or create exemption in one or more papers. There may also be chances of no change in result.
For FAQs on Verification of Marks and How to apply Online, Please refer to the link given below: