Ipcc exams

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
13 November 2016 I think I forgot to asign in attendance reg but the sticker and other details in and sheet are properly filled will it b problem

19 November 2016 How can one be so careless, is the question that comes to one's mind. The candidate failing to sign the attendance register or the invigilator not taking the signature is unacceptable. If the invigilator or Observer of CA Examination have taken note of your carelessness, there is chances that the examination department will have to do the the exercise of verification, manually.

Just think for a minute, what in case you ask for answer copy of the examination once the results are announced, the Institute denies it saying that you have not taken the examination itself, what proof do you have for having written the examination - may be admit card on which the invigilator has signed, even on it if there is no signature what will be your case. It is just a hypothetical case am giving it. But, one must be very careful and responsible.

I hope in your case, the Institute will declare the results assuming that your incident of not signing is gone unnoticed.

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