IPCC exam query.

This query is : Resolved 

13 November 2016 I have appeared for IPCCexam this november .. I Made a mistake that..i have ticked on the boxes alloted adjacent to boxes required to be ticked for the questions attempted i.e on the boxes named ( a b c d e) . ..so will it create any problems ???

19 November 2016 Those columns are meant for the examiner to allot marks for each sub-question answered by the candidate. It is not a problem if you have ticked those columns, in future try not to tick on those areas which is meant for the examiner to allot marks to you.

19 November 2016 thnk you soo much sir... i would never commit such mistakes @Sathish M

19 November 2016 Your most welcome and wish you best of luck for your results.

19 November 2016 thnk you sir.. @Sathish M

20 November 2016 We are closing your query as it appears you are satisfied with the reply.

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