
This query is : Resolved 

11 November 2016 i am really confused to attempt for both groups or any one Which might be better?? plz suggest me😓

12 November 2016 When is your attempt due?

12 November 2016 2017 may its my first attempt

13 November 2016 You should get started with your preparation as you have ample time for your May 2017 Examination. As you get close to first week of February you should be in a position to assess what is the level of preparation which you have been able to carry out and accordingly plan your decision, which group you are sound and confident to take up.

Key thing is to get started at the earliest and do not defer it. Until, we make a beginning somewhere we will not be able to move forward.

Wish you good luck for your early start of studies.

13 November 2016 i will start as early as possible thank you

14 November 2016 That's the spirit, wish you good luck.

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