Inward remittance from us uk

This query is : Resolved 

04 September 2016 I am a freelancer IT engineer and a citizen of india residing in india. I had deliverd some online lectures to some of the US students from india. Now they want to pay me for my lectures and want more lectures on IT for which they are ready to pay. Should i direct them to transfer money to my normal saving account in SBI/ICICI or should i open a new account. they will be paying me 3000-5000 USD per month for 50 lectures i.e USD 100 per lecture but they will be paying lecturewise not monthwise So what i will be getting is usd 100 or 50 , but frequently in a month. pls also tell me the tax implications here in india ?

Prakash, new delhi

05 September 2016 Hi Prakash,

Good Luck for your Freelancing services!!

I don't think separate account opening will make any difference to your tax Liability.

Yes, this will be taxable as your professional income with Slab Rate.


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