Interest income of a resident in india

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15 July 2014 Interest income earned in U.K by an indian resident if is taxable or exempt in India? Pension received from U.K is exempt as per article 19(3) of D.T.A.A. If interest income on which tax payer code is available in U.K is taxable or exempt in India?

15 July 2014 kindly note that for a resident the whole of the income, earned anywhere in the world is taxable in India. it is after reporting the income the tax return, you claim deductions for DTAA benefits.

15 July 2014 Accordingly, Interest and pension both shall be included in the tax return and then you will claim deduction for DTAA benefit. I dont think there is any exemption for interest income.

23 February 2015 thanks a lot for the reply.

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