Interest charged lower than banking rate

This query is : Resolved 

20 December 2008 Interest charged on unsecured loan is lower than banking rate. is there any implication or section applicability from the view point of lender regarding lower receipt of income & from the view point of borrower lower payment of interest.The relationship between payor and payee is group concern

27 December 2008 There is no implication on lower interest charged by payor.

28 December 2008 if lender company has borrowed from bank/fin.inst. & paying interest than the income tax officer shall have the discretion to add the diff of interest in the lender co. borrowing (-) lending rate & diff will be considered as notional income. & his stand & judgement will stand valid even in appeal you will not gain any benifit. there are orders to this effect

Chandrakant Ambani

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