Inter Company Loan

15 June 2009 Hi,

A Pvt. Ltd. has taken a loan from B Pvt. Ltd. company.

Both companies A Pvt. Ltd. & B Pvt. Ltd. are group companies.

Can you please tell me what documents are needed to explain this loan transaction to Auditors.

16 June 2009 1. Minutes of Board meeting covering the above transaction.

2. Resolution covering Disclosure of interest by directors u/s 299.

3. Board resolution for the same.


16 June 2009 Hi Ankur,

Thanks for the reply.

Auditors are asking for Executed copy of loan agreement stating commercial terms
for this transaction.

Can I get the draft format of agreement.

16 June 2009 Hi,

As the transaction is between 2 group companies there is no need for a agreement & board resulution would be enough for the transaction.

As per my opinion agreement is not mandatory in such transaction between 2 group companies.

You may apprise your auditors accordingly.


16 June 2009 Hi Ankur,

Thanks for the reply.

Auditors are askinf for some kind of documentation apart from board resulution.

Can you please help me out.

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