Industrial Training Advertisement

13 June 2011 My company, M/s Mahle Filters (I) Ltd. wants to hire some Industrial Trainees, pls suggest the modes of Advert. thru which I can invite Trainees.

14 June 2011 You can advertise in the news letter published by WIRC i.e Western India Regional Council. Kindly go to the site of WIRC and find out the tariff. The advertisement should be published in Student's section otherwise you are wasting your money.

The Industrial trainee will be final year student and only who ever is interested in taking up job in future will be only interested in industrial training.

14 June 2011 Hi, can u mail me the form by which company registers with ICAI to impart industrial trainig? my email id is

14 June 2011 you can also give the advertisement in nearest ICAI branch for industrial training vacancy...

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