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02 May 2024 Please share the Main objective to be mentioned in the MOA for animation & vfx company for incoporation

09 July 2024 For incorporating an animation and VFX (Visual Effects) company, the main objectives to be mentioned in the Memorandum of Association (MOA) typically include:

1. **To carry on the business of animation and visual effects (VFX)**:
- This covers the core activities of producing animated content and providing visual effects services for various media platforms including films, television, advertisements, games, etc.

2. **To produce, create, develop, and distribute animated films, series, and content**:
- Specifies the company's role in the creation, production, and distribution of animated content across different formats and mediums.

3. **To provide visual effects (VFX) services**:
- Includes services such as CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery), special effects, compositing, 3D modeling, rendering, and other VFX-related services for films, advertisements, gaming, and other industries.

4. **To engage in related activities such as multimedia production and digital content creation**:
- This clause can cover activities related to multimedia production, digital content creation, interactive media development, and other allied services.

5. **To provide training and education in animation and VFX**:
- Optional objective, if the company intends to offer training programs, workshops, or educational courses in animation, VFX, and related fields.

**To engage in research and development (R&D) in animation and VFX technologies**:
- Includes activities aimed at advancing technologies, processes, and techniques in animation and visual effects through research and development initiatives.

**To enter into collaborations, joint ventures, partnerships, or associations**:
- Provides flexibility to collaborate with other entities for projects, co-productions, partnerships, and strategic alliances in the animation and VFX industry.

These objectives should reflect the core business activities and aspirations of your animation and VFX company. It's advisable to consult with a legal professional or company secretary to ensure that your Memorandum of Association (MOA) complies with regulatory requirements and covers all necessary aspects relevant to your business.

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