Income tax & vat

This query is : Resolved 

26 May 2018 We have accounted the Interstate Bills dated 31.03.2017 in April 2017.
But for 'C' form purpose we have taken the details in Annexure IA and filed in March 2017 in VAT return.

What can we do? Pl give solutions for VAT & Income Tax.

26 May 2018 Your query is not cleared... As per above both are under same FY... Then what is Your Doubt?

26 May 2018 Sir in Books of accounts we have accounted in April 2017, because we have recd the materials only on 01.04.2017. As the bill is for the month of March 2017, for 'C'Form purpose we have shown the bills as interstate purchase in the month of March 2017 itself. We have not taken any purchase for income tax in the month of March 2017.

26 May 2018 If You are shown the bill in Your VAT return then You must account the Bill in March itself (FY 2016-17)...

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