Income From House Property

This query is : Resolved 

21 October 2010 Dear Expert

Mr X having a factory Building in personal name and giving a renting to Company in which he is director and taking a rent from company kindly gide me a treatment of rent income in hand of X

this is a Income From House Property or Business Income

21 October 2010 Income from house property but if u wants to claim expenses more than 30% then u considered as business income

21 October 2010 It is only an income from house property, you can not treat a rental income as business income unless the buiness model permits you to be in business of rental of property for example an owner of a mall can say that he is in the business of renting.

21 October 2010 ITs IHP only....

04 November 2010 INcome should be treated as Income of House Property unless property is held as "stock in trade"

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