implenet of Serice Tax on DSA(Direct Sales Agent)

This query is : Resolved 

18 February 2008 hi

one of my freind is doing DSA business with a reputed bank

my querry is that as he is provding service he is covered under service tax net but when he apporoch to the customers for service tax the bank said that u can't charge serv. tax to customers as the customers relate to bank and not to them on the other hand service tax authority say you should charge service tax.

Bank simply providing them commission after deducting TDS me in this regard as soon as possible........


18 February 2008 Your freind is serving the bank i.e he is providing service to the bank

Your friend cannot charge to the bank clients as they are not his customers

The commission received by your freind is covered under business auxiliary services hence liable to pay service tax on commission income only

Hope this clarifies your inquiry

20 February 2008 THANX FOR REPLY

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