HUF Deed format

This query is : Resolved 

08 April 2008 Hello, I have to open my HUF account for which I will be required to submit HUF Deed. Can someone please help me with format required for creation of HUF deed?

Thanks in advance

10 April 2008 You cunsolt with your CA because the effect and validity may be effected



I, ________________ son Of __________________ Residing at ______________________ aged ___Adult do hereby declare-

1. That I am Karta of ___________________________________________ .

2.That I received on behalf of the H U F gift of Rs. ___________ by way of CASH/CHEAUE from my FATHER ___________________________(name of relative of karta of HUF) on dt. _______________ this formed the corpus of the HUF.

3. That the HUF at present is consisting of the followings members- I) Shri _____________________, Adult, Residing at _________________ II) Smt. _____________________, Adult, Residing at _________________ III) Kumari _________________-Minor, Residing at ___________________

4. That the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. Declare this on _________________

WITNESS: Signature 1. ————————————–

——————————— 2. ————————————– (_____________________)



GIFT MADE BY ________________________ TO THE HINDU UNDIVIDED FAMILY OF ___________________ I,_____________________________, residing at_________________________________________________, do hereby declare and affirm as under:

1. That out of natural love and affection borne by me towards the Hindu Undivided Family of_______________, I have made a gift of Rs.______ (Rupees _________________ only) as per the following details: By Cheque No.________, dated __________, drawn on Bank ____________________, ________________ Branch, in favour of ________________________ HUF.

2. The above Gift has been duly accepted by ________________________, as Karta of his Hindu Undivided Family and has been duly acknowledged hereunder.

3. This Declaration of Gift is made to record the fact that I have made this Gift in favour of the Donee as above, who now has the absolute right, title and interest in the gifted amount. Date: ___________, 200__

___________________ (Signature of the Donor)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GIFT I, ________________________, hereby acknowledge having received the above gift made to my Hindu Undivided Family by _________________________. Date: ___________, 200__

___________________ (Signature of the Donee as Karta of his HUF) •

20 June 2011 how much stamp duty required to be paid for above deed ?

31 May 2012 it should be printed on a stamp of 100

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