How to solve audit paper and itsm paper

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09 August 2013 i am one of the student of ICAI. i am doing IPCC and want to ask question about how can we write better and better answer in audit and itsm so institute get satisfy by our answer.
i have appeared 3rd time for second group of ipcc and every time i failed to get minimum marks in audit even if paper was very easy.

please help me and guide me how i can score maximum marks in audit.

09 August 2013 see law,audit ,ITSM are the mainly the theory subjects.Wherein writing style definitely matters a lot.So go through institute's practice material,RTPs,last few yrs suggested answers and check the presentation style and even mark important starting and ending areas and see how institute's correlates a particular case with its writing pattern.
Specifically for audit, use padhuka and practice material.

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