how to prepare for audit,&Itsm for nov 16 attempt

07 October 2016 Hi friends, I have to write my ipcc 2group in this nov16 attempt(6th attempt).And I have exemption in Advanced accounting and in last attempt I failed due to 8 marks shortage in ITSM. Now the problem is due to heavy work in office I didn't studied any thing in Audit&ITSM And have time from 18 th October to 9th November(12 days after office hours and 9 days full leave). Can you please tell me how to use this days effectively so that I should complete my IPCC Atleast in this attempt.n ad and also tell me any techniques during exam days and exam time Tell me any preparation strategies please.(Till now I am studying from ic@i material only) thanks in advance....

07 October 2016 Dear In 9days I would prefer you to study the Practice manual and scanner for the both subjects.

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