How to file return without form 16a ?

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
22 July 2016 Sir/madam,

QUE.(1) : If a bank has not provided Form 16A in time, then,
Is it possible to file income tax return without receiving Form 16A , for TDS deducted by bank ?

How ?

I think, the TDS Certi. No. of form 16A is required to be filled in return utility.
Then, how is it possible to file return without 16A ?

Please, guide.

22 July 2016 yes!!! You can file your return even if Bank has no provided you Form 16A.

Login to your PAN Account and View 26AS and then you can view your Tax deducted.

No Certificate Number required for e-filing.

Still find difficulty ..write me Back!!!


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
22 July 2016 Thanks, Sir.
It means,
If I have the amount of TDS deducted in Form 26 AS , and it has STATUS ''F'' (Final),
then I can file the return by claiming this amount of TDS ?

What about the box , in which, Certificate No. has to be filled?
Isn't it compulsory, to provide Certificated No. of Form 16 A , in ITR -1 Utility?

What to do ? Keep that box BLANK ?

Will not it be error in return ?
Isn't there any possibility of facing any problem in processing of such return ?

Please, guide.

23 July 2016 ohh!! too much concern!!!

Dear Anonymous!

Dont think too much!! if some thing is mandatory in return and you have not fiiled that then utility will show you the error !!

Specific to your Question..certificate number is not compulsory keep this blank as this is not mandatory filed.

there is no possibility of any problem !!be calm and be assure!!!

Also be happy!!!


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
27 July 2016 Thanks , sir.

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