01 March 2011
the objective of accounting standard, as mentioned in the introduction of AS, is to standardize the diverse accounting policies and practices with a view to eliminate to the extent posisble the non comparability of financial statements and add reliability to the financacial statements.
standardisation AS are to be complied with in each and every transaction not only at the stage of finalisation example:- AS 9 Revenue recognition is an AS introduced for giving guidlines in recording the each and every revenue specificaly and genrally.
many of the accounting standards are specific to the certain industries or transaction for example : AS 19 A/cing for leases it applies only to entities who carries on the leasing business and those who undertakes lease.
my recomentation is that you read the objectives of each a/c ing standards and find whethter any of your transaction reqiures the AS.
ofcouse there are certain ASs effecting the Finalisation such as AS 1 disclosure of a/cing policy,AS2,AS4,AS5,AS6, AS9,AS22 a/cing for taxes on income, AS 29
get a good book and read exampls and probles in the exercise then you will femiliarise with your situations have though understanding of the theory and aplly
Querist :
Querist :
02 March 2011
Sir as u Said to get a good book and read exampls and probles in the exercise then can u suggest which books to refer so it would be better