How Excise Applicable?

This query is : Resolved 

11 April 2011 1. Whether there is any Voluntary Registration for Excise? If not, than what is the basic limit for Excise? At which stage excise registration is compulsory?
2. When a unit can be called as SSI unit? What is benefit for SSI units in terms of excise?
3. Whether there is any facility to issue Excise able as well as Non Excise able Invoices by Manufacturer or 1st stage or 2nd stage dealer?

12 April 2011 Please go thru some articles on overview of excise. Have also uploaded a soft book in flies section - central excise made easy. You may like to refer to that.

12 April 2011 It is optional upto first clearances upto 150 lacs w e f 01 April to avail general exemption for SSI units if the manufactured product is included under such general exemption notification, provided the tornover during immediate past financial year was less than 400 lacs. Excise registration is must before limit of 150 lacs is exhausted; Excise Invoice has to be issued if Excise duty is being charged without availing exemption

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