How comes profit & loss in debit side in balance sheet

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
24 September 2018 Sir,

Please solve my problem that in my tally the profit and loss a/c showing in debit side (Assets) in balance sheet and showing like
Profit & Loss A/c 2.50
Opening balance
Current Period (-) 1,73,834.85
Less: Transferred 1,73,837.85

Please tell me that how can i solve this mistake. and i have cross checked all the transactions with audited balance. but i could not find the actual mistake in tally. how can i accurate my profit & loss a/c in tally.

24 September 2018 Opening balance Current Period (-) 1,73,834.85
Less: Transferred 1,73,837.85

- Both Values are different
- Transfer the Profit Value to Capital Account on PY and Show the Capital valu with Profit Value. No need Opening Balance in Profit & Loss ledger if You are maintain every Year with Single Data

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