03 December 2024
Hi GSTR9 & 9C FY 2023-24 GSTR1 - IGST payable 100 ( CDNR 2 Rs. taken fy 2022-23) shown excess liability last yeast GTR3b - IGST Payable - 98 ( March 2023 CDNR taken in April 23) less liability this year
in GSTR9 - Table 9 - Tax payable should be 100 or 98 - as payable is 100 (4N) and paid is 98 (Table 9) in GSTR 9C - Pt III(9) - which amount to put in P and Q
Auto-populated GSTR9 shows - 98 where to show this 2rs difference in GSTR9 and GSTR9 C