Gstr-1 & gstr-3b returns-reg

24 April 2018 Dear sir,
I am working in Manufacturing company, some of the contractors not mentioned their sales in their GSTR-1 for the month of Oct-17 and Dec-17 & Feb-18 and GSTR-3B filed as a nil return upto Feb-18. we have taken GST Input our books upto Feb-18 nearly 3lakh and when we asking to submit the GSTR-1 & 3B for verification they are failed to submit the returns and they are filed nil returns.
So it is possible to contractor can show the all pending sales invoices in GSTR-1&GSTR-3B in March-18 return with interest and late fee.
Please give your valuable suggestion in this regards.

24 April 2018 Yes... They can file with interest if he is payable any liabilities in previous months... Also face some penalty at the time of Audit.

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