03 June 2021
Traces PDF conversion utility 1.1 for form 27D is too Slow. It takes 3 to 4 minutes to create one certificate. If we have 500 parties then it will take around 30 hours. Is there any alternative solution ?
07 July 2024
If you're struggling with the speed of Traces PDF Conversion Utility 1.1 for Form 27D, consider using the Traces web portal instead. Traces updates its utilities regularly, which may offer faster processing times. Consider using bulk processing services to expedite the process. Explore third-party software solutions that integrate with Traces for faster processing times. Develop automation scripts using programming languages like Python or PowerShell to automate data entry and submission. Optimize system resources, contact Traces Support for updates and alternative methods, schedule processing during off-peak hours, and consult with IT professionals for best practices. These alternatives can help generate Form 27D certificates efficiently and within a reasonable timeframe.