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04 November 2007 Dear Experts,
I m 18 year old & CA final student. I hav cleared my PE-II in may 2007.I m B-com 2nd year student.
I want to know the minimum age 4 appearing in the final exams.& if i will clear my final in nov.2009 when I'll get my qualification Degree certificare.?
Sir Plz tell me the name & age of the youngest student of ICAI who hav qualified CA.

Anil Jain.

04 November 2007 Congratulations for such great achievement. Your age is with you and you are future of India.
You will clear CA Final earliest by January 2010 and that means you will carry the degree at the age of 21. You are eligible to become member. But remember, the membership number will be allotted to you only on the completion of the articleship.

04 November 2007 The minimum age for getting the membership is 21. I will update you on the amendment if any.
I will get back to you on the name of the youngest CA in the present scenario as lot of students ppear with the introduction of PE I.
To my knowledge the youngest CA is Mr. Rohit Dhoot and he passed out at the age of 20.
Before him, Mr. Kumarmangalam Birla was the youngest CA.
Good Luck.

05 November 2007 Respected Sir,
Thanks for ur advice.
Plz advice me in this Regards.

Anil Jain,

05 November 2007 Dear Anil,
Please plan your studies well so that you can get comfor level in facing TYBCO and CA FINAL together. Good Luck.

05 November 2007 Sir ,
Thanks for ur beautiful advice.
Plz suggest me wat should i do in the given condition,where should i hav to contact.
I m Minor right now I will becom major on 26 nov.07 .
I hav Submitted my articleship & final form in the ICAI on dated 1st oct. with my parents signature on the deed &* form.
But still i hav not received my registration confirmation letter .I have asked to ICAI in this regards but they said U r not Registered with us But when i asked them reason they asked me to wait.
I think it will take time to get me registered but i don't want to miss my attemptin nov.09 which will be my due if i get registered by the right date.
Sir plz advice me in this regards.
I got no time to go ICAI Bhawan againb& again bcoz of my articleship.
Sir wish u a very happy Diwali.
Thanks & regards
Anil Jain.

05 November 2007 Dear Anil,
Please frward me all your details. I will find out the problem and get back to you.
Wishing you a many happy returns of the day in the advance.
Happy Diwali.

20 January 2010 Dear Sir,

With due respect I wish to inform you that i have cleared my CA Final Examination held in November 2009 and right now my age is 20 years and 2 months. I will complete my 21 years of age in November 2010.

I want to know when I will be eligible for the campus interview.
My Article ship is going to be completed in the end of September 2010, and I come to know that candidate having his last two months article ship is eligible to appear in the campus interview.

Please tell me that, when should I apply for the campus interview and membership?

Can you please also tell me with the name and age of the candidate who is the youngest achiever of the CA Final?
Is there any record on CA final passing in the early age?

23 January 2010 Dear Anil, first of all congratulations on qualifying.It was good to see you on the same queery ribbon of 2007 you asked earlier.To know when you will be eligible for the campus interview you should make inquiry in Institute (ICAI).

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