For admission processor in c.a.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
27 October 2013 dear sir,

Myself Amit Sisodia for dist-Bijnor (U.P.)
sir, I want to take admission in C.A.

My Qualification :-
I have percentage in B.Com 48%.
& M.Com 53 %.

Can I take direct admission in C.A. IPCC.
what will be processor for me for admission.

I am waiting of your answer.


Amit Sisodia

27 October 2013 for direct admission you need atleast 55% marks in graduation/post graduation.

27 October 2013 Dear Amit,

For direct admission, you need in aggregate a minimum of 55% of the total marks.

Since you have scored less than 55%, you may apply for CPT.


27 October 2013 Simply visit website of ICAI for entire procedure and other formalities. Nowadays you can find online prospectus.


All the best


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
08 November 2013 Dear Sir,

I decide to admission in CPT but i want to know that I am living in west Africa.

What can I take online admission in CPT.

what should take admission in CPT.

I am waiting of reply.

Thanks & Regards
Amit Sisodia

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