First salary recvd in apr for mnth mar taxable in which yr?

This query is : Resolved 

24 September 2008 i had below exemption limit income in 07-08. i joined a co. in feb. i receive salary on 4th of next month. So, will the salary for the month of March08 recvd in Apr 08 be part of income of AY 2009-10 or for AY08-09??
My co's accountant said i should include it in income for AY 2009-10, but i said it was due in mar so it was for AY2008-09.
What is correct??

25 September 2008 It is the income pertaing to AY 2008-09

25 September 2008
it cannot be taken for the a y 09-10

12 November 2008 Thanks!! I know its too late to wish but thanks again.

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