Filling Return

This query is : Resolved 

12 June 2007 i am PE-II student waiting for the result. Meanwhile i am looking for individuals seeking to file a return. So my query is whole lot related to basic things. And first of all am i eligible or is there any qualification for a person to be able to file a return of other persons. And is there is any website where i can get all the basic or preliminary knowledge about the procedure of filling a return.


12 June 2007 There is no specific qualification for filing of return but yes you should have good experience. Practicle knowledge is must. You can gain this knowledge from any other CA of even from advocates who are practicisng for tax. You can read the book of V. K. Singhania for procedural part of filing of return. But i would suggest, first you have a sound knowledge of filing of return under somebody and then you start with your own, cos without prior knowledge your client may suffer.

12 June 2007 Either from CA or from practicising advocates.

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