filing return

This query is : Resolved 

22 January 2010 hi,

Dear Sir,

i m salary paid employee. my tds deducted every month so why should i have to file return? i receiving 30000 salary P.m and 1500 something tds deducted so

1)how i can file return
2) any amount paid at the time of filing return ? what details has to be given?
3) which document should i have to give
4) my settlement is made in March and Tax also charged on the Due Amount ?
5) how i can show this Settlement Amount in Return ?

explain .

22 January 2010 As Ur Exemption Limit Crossed 160000/- Which is Basic Exemption Limit in F.Y. 2009-10 Provided by Finance Act 2009....
Thats why u have to file ITreturn.

u/s 139(1A), U May File Ur IT Return in Compact CD Mode With Ur Employer in Computer Media , Just Provide Form 16 Along With Document of Saving If Any ( Deductible under Chapter VIA)

or May File ITR Return Urself ITR - 1, Just Attaching Above Document as Mentioned Above.

Salary Charged on Due or Cash Basis Which Ever is Earlier.....
so Thats Why Ur March Income which is due is also taxable in that same f.y.

22 January 2010 Agree

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