Filing of Returns (Salaried Person)

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Guest (Querist)
17 May 2009 A Civil Engineer working in Construction Co. receives the cheque(Amounting Rs. 22,000/month after deducting Professional Tax)from the co.(and sister concerns)against the salary .

However Tax is not deducted. Now the employee has to file return of Income.But he won't receive Form 16(which is quite obvious)from the company nor the company provides monthly sattement giving the break up of salary(basic,conveyance allowance....)

If the Income is calculated based on the salary breakup specified in the appointment letter,is it valid?

If yes, is there any need to submit any proof along with the return?

17 May 2009 if u can provide details of his savings the tax can be saved and return can be filed although tds certificate is not available.

u can take amount specified in appointment letter but if can get a certificate of breakup it will be great.

u can take exemption of conveyance allowance etc.

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Guest (Querist)
19 May 2009 l

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