Fake case filed against me

18 January 2017 I had taken loan from friend through my bank account and paid him in cash after 1 month on his request to make payment in cash, now he has filed fake case against me to repay his money, i already have paid,at the time of payment my family member and friends were there but friends are going against me and have filed case against me in court

please help?

19 January 2017 Please engage the services of a Lawyer to fight your case.

23 January 2017 Yes as Satish said you should have a lawyer advising you.
Meanwhile, through what mode did the "friend" ask you to pay in cash? was it through sms, email or phone. If it was through either of these modes may be you can try documenting this fact.
you should have taken a receipt from him.
FUrthermore, you may also file a case of cheating against him, with the advise of your lawyer.

28 January 2017 Thank You Guys For Replying

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