Exposure in articleship

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
28 December 2011 Dear friends,
I donot have much exposure in articleship.I did primarily vouching, posting,filing individual IT returns.
Iam totally afraid about the day I will enter into employment.
With this little exposure is it possible to be successful in employment? Please guide me.

29 December 2011 First thing you should do is : Don't be afraid of for employment. Once you enter into employment, you will be trained according to their requirement. Role of your job will be known at the time of interview. You need not to worry.

All the Best........

06 April 2012 It is a saying that practice makes a man perfect. So get into the employment and learn the things. If you do not know then you should have enough courage to say sir, i do not know kindly teach me.

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