Exemptions available

This query is : Resolved 

27 November 2007 Kindly clarify:
If one gets 60% or more in a subject to get exemptions in the next 3 consecutive attempts is it necessary that one scores a minimum of 30 marks in all the other subjects in the group. ie suppose one writes 2 papers well assuming he gets 62 and 64 and only 20 and 18 in the other two papers of the same group, will he still get exemptions in the papers he scored 62 and 64. Kinldy advice.

27 November 2007 No. You can carry one exemption for three attempts and during that no other exemptions. One exemption at a time.
Good Luck.

27 November 2007 Sir my main concern is do we have to score a minimum of 30 marks to be eligible to enjoy the benefit of exemptions. Or can I enjoy the exemption in one paper in one attempt and then concentrate on the next three papers in my next consecutive attempt.

28 November 2007 .

28 November 2007 No, in CA exams one does not have to get minimum marks in other subjects of the group to claim exemption.
So, if somebody get even below 30 he/she can claim exemption for the subject in which he/she scored above 60 marks.
Exemption can be carried for three consecutive attempts.

28 November 2007 Thanks

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