06 March 2012
may-2012,nov2012 & nov2013 and not eligible for any further exemption in any other paper of the group till may-2013. what is it mean? please tell me as soon as possible.
07 March 2012
You have obtained exemption in one of the papers of a group. This exemption is valid for the next 3 exams, i.e., you do not have to appear in this particular paper in the next 3 exams.
Now let us suppose you appear for the remaining 3 papers but you are not able to clear the same. However, you score 60 or more in any of the papers. You will not get exemption in the paper in which you score 60 or more.
07 March 2012
If you could not pass the group but got more than 60 marks in any individual subjet(s) then you will get exemption in that subject(s) which will be carried forward for next 3 attempts. Suppose you get exemption in Paper 1 & 2 in last attempt, then those exemption will be carried forward to next 3 attempts. You need not have to appear for these papers again. you have to appear for the remaining paper 3 & 4 in the next 3 attempts. In next attempt you get 60 or more marks in paper 3 but less than 40 marks in paper 4 then you are not eligible for exemption in paper 3. hope it is clear now.