EXEMPT GRATUITY 4 employee not covered in gratuity act 1972

This query is : Resolved 

08 September 2009 if an employee retired on 15/01/2009 & his basic salary was Rs. 10,000 at the time of retirement .
increment in his salary was from 08/07/2008 of Rs. 1,000.
while calculating avg.salary of last 10month preceding the month of retirement , whether we will calculated from 01/03/2008 to 31/12/2008 OR from 15/02/2008 to 15/12/2008?

08 September 2009 In the case of gratuoty we take salary from month to month that means fron 1-3-2008 to 31-12-2008
and in case of leave encashment we take salary from date to date basis

08 September 2009 i want to get more view of other experts on this answer .so i request to other experts to reply as soon as possible

08 September 2009 I agree with the expert

08 September 2009 thanks

08 September 2009 thanks

28 December 2009 your salary will be computed from 1.3.2008 to 31.12.2009

and the amount of salary will be as:
From 1.3.08 to 8.7.2008
i,e 4Months(9000*4)=36000
8 days = 290 = 36290.

From 9.7.2008 to 31.12.2009
i,e 5Months(5*10000)=50000
23 days = 434
= 50434
Hence the 10 months avg salary= (36290+50434)/10=Rs 8672

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