EULA in softwares and games

21 March 2011 I wanted to ask that a game or software we purchase from a store is just purchasing a license to use that software according to the End User License Agreement(EULA) we accept while installing..

But we dont actually agree to anything while buying as we dont even know the terms and dont have any means to know the terms of EULA of the game/software.And if a company bans a user from using that software in terms with one clause of EULA than what is the legal position on that as user never agreed or had known the terms while paying full amount for the software and game.
and even if he wanted to there is no way for the same..

21 March 2011
While installing, we tick on a check box, which reads 'I accept the terms....'
So we are supposed to read those terms, i think they would cover the instances when the user would be banned.

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