
This query is : Resolved 

07 November 2013 Hello. Suppose if v forgt sum important headlines points in ethics.. Dn if v Jst. Write in normal point wise... Vl v get marks??? Nd also mention hw to score max marks in law nd hw to present answer.. Reply asap nd Thnx in advance

07 November 2013 firstly try to attempt only those questions in which you are more confident.Have a look at rtp for presentation pattern.
Try to include section num & acts name in your answers but only if you are sure.Use as much technical language as you can instead of general layman language.
Divide your ans in paras -1st-your understanding of que, 2nd -applicable law/section,3rd-your conclusion.
just write to the point answers.

Attempt those questions at last in which you are not much confident.Start & and end your ans with important points & in mid of ans give less relevant points

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