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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
23 January 2011 Respected All,

I m in extreme cronic situation, so Plz help me as earliest as u can….

I was CA Final student to appear for Final exam in May-10. I was very aggressive hard worker. I was studying 12-15 hrs daily (excepting Articleship) from starting when I was enter in perusing CA education. I was just doing my revision in January end of 2010. But due to heavy study I faced some problem in my neck & due to this I got very acute pain in brain. Also I lost my 80% memorizing power. So very misfortunately I have to leave my studies. I have taken every effort what I can. But god was wishing to take very tough exam of me. Today I have completed 1 yr in this problem & still I m @ same position as I was before 1 yr. In mean time I have tried to do some business but my efforts didn’t got success, rather now I m in heavy financial debt. Now I m in extreme tension of my career bcoz due to brain problem. I cant do any CA profession related practice/job. I have appeared for some interviews for equity research position but some rejected me only bcoz I was not CA & some rejected me since I cant give answers of very simple questions of Financial management (even I was expert in that area but I was unable to recall that concept or sometime even I can give answer but I was not able to answer that only bcoz I was not able to speck it bcoz of some unconfident/brain & other complexities).

I have good foundation of theoretical/practiacal concept of all subject (except taxation). My aim was to start CA coaching for some financially weaker students after completion of CA Final exam but now all gone.

I have reasonable experience of Equity research (Fundamental Analysis, Market Analysis, Fund flow Analysis, Global Economy Analysis, sentiment Analysis etc) & trying to do trading based on news flowing in market, quarterly result announcements of companies & on some technical basis. I m trying to achieve more & more accuracy in my intra-day & positional trading in stock market but still I m in net loss. Also I m not financially strong.But I have reasonable knowledge of most of the issues we dealt in our life.

So if u have any person who can help me to bring my carrier on path preferably in Equity Research, Trading & investment Area or even if any area not related to CAPITAL market….plz try to inform me
I can do any type of task (Professional/business/trading/other) to best level what I can anywhere in India.

Waiting from Emergency Help from any friend……

25 January 2011 First of all, I would like to tell you that dont lose hope and have faith in your abilities.

You May Kindly Forward me your updated CV to saurabh.nidhiinvestments@gmail.com

I will try to advise you what could be the best profile for you and if possible also assist you get a good job.

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