17 July 2014
in Tally erp, which head we have to create Education Cess & secondery Edu. Cess. Both in OUTPUT & INPUT .
further if we purchase services and get Service Tax input Rs. 1000/- as S.Tax, 20 as Edu. cess, and Rs. 10 as Sec. Edu. Cess.(12.36 %) my querry is how much input credit we actualy received Rs. 1000/- or Total Rs. 1030/- Thanks
17 July 2014
Create a Group name [EXCISE DUTY] under Duties &Taxes . . Later Create 3 Output ledgers and 3 input ledgers under [EXCISE DUTY] . . On Payment time transfer to Service tax Payable after adjusting the input to output . . From there Bank payment will happens